A few more after the jump and some more words about the feature
Although its a cool feature, a little different than your every day photo, and not too hard to turn an already existing panorama into one - there isn't much market for them other than social sharing when it comes to landscape photography. Although, thinking a little harder, there definitely is market for the creation of interior panoramas for virtual tours. How much more inclined to stay at distant hotel or hostel, bed and breakfast, or whatever, if you could see it in high resolution full screen, and interactive layouts? With that, I already had the capabilities to produce panorama images with professional results, now I just have a reliable and viable means to share them online in a much more engaging and immersive platform.
Here are a few more. Please make them full screen with the small icon in the top corner of each panorama.
On the side of Mount Temple, 2008. Banff, Alberta.
Peachland Lake Shoreline, September 2011. Okanagan, BC
Lake Okanagan, June 2012. Okanagan, BC
Opabin Prospect, September 2012. Yoho National Park, BC
If you don't go full screen you're only seeing each scene at about 20% of its full version online, which is usually about 20% of the size of the full resolution original jpeg in my archive.
Link to the old post
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