Having made a fair share of trips through mountains, while being exposed to epic vistas, I started capturing my full viewpoint with techniques for creating panoramas. I often wouldn't post these panoramas to share online, since they don't translate well into long still photos.
I found a new tool online that let me take my old panorama files that I had stitched together (some as long as seven years ago, pre DSLR days) and then present them in a scrollable format online as the one of Lake Louise above. A much more intuitive way for a viewer to see, and now interact with a still scene. To get the full effect you must click on the little arrow in the top right of every frame for full screen - I made sure to upload the panoramas in 1080p.
hit the link for a few more
Here is one from the top of Mount Temple in Banff National Park from several years ago, served in Monochrome.
And one overlooking Kelowna, BC
And another super-oldie from the Lake Louise Area on the summit of Mount St. Piran.
Hope you enjoyed those, I'll be tweaking some of the panoramas I do from now on, and hopefully they will be better suited to this new tool I have found!
I have used this for outdoor photography to convey grand landscapes, however, this is also very well suited to real estate agents or apartment buildings who would like to offer virtual tours of sorts. Please contact me for shoots regarding interactive panorama creations!
PS - These interactive 'versions' of still photos are now the highest resolution still images I share for free online (still only a quarter of the full resolution version) - so anyone who likes pixel peeping, you can take a better look now than ever before.
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