Real Motion Blur and Speed Ramps in FCPX

this image is a screen shot from a video edit where speed ramp was used on someone's walking, and motion blur generated around them however the person is relatively sharp while being tracked by camera.
Example of real time footage with an accurate motion blur when footage speed increased

Real Motion Blur in FCPX

One of the reasons why I think speed ramps can get a bad rap, is even if you did spontaneously speed up the camera motion 'IRL', it wouldn't look like a NLE's rendition of a speed ramp - that is until you give it some real motion blur.
Totally possible.
Totally helps.
Here's how.

Let's get one thing straight, we're going to talk about speed ramps on sped-up real time footage, but this can work anywhere such as timelapses as well.  I think it's pertinent to, and works really well with speed ramps so we'll focus on those talking points.  Plus, they make a great example because motion blur here can aid in bringing some realism, and integrity to your edit.

Why I Needed This Solution

I shoot a lot of real estate videos. My clients like continuity in an edit, and through a home, which means that we need some way of minimizing time spent on the boring views and 'transitional periods', while maintaining a level of continuity, a la 'the one take' real estate walkthrough.  I also, for my own reasons, want it to be real and never liked the 'use every few frames of speed ramped video' default of FCPX editing, when if my camera actually traveled a space at that speed it would introduce an amount of blur given the same camera shutter speed in video (which stays the same when I try to obey 180 degree shutter). If you don't care about the things I care about, and just want cool motion blur -- that's cool too!

The Software I Use : Final Cut Pro X & Apple Motion

I use Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) and Apple Motion to do this effect. Side note - having been an FCPX editor since 2011, after maxing out my use of iMovie since a few years before, I've ironically only just gotten Apple Motion in the middle of 2019, and can't believe the workflow improvements I could have made in my editing lifetime.
Also. It's fast. I even turned up the settings a bit higher than average, and apply several to every real estate video project I work on.  It's a negligible amount of time added to each edit, and it greatly improve the finished product.

Here are some examples, these videos are ripe with Real Motion Blur in Final Cut Pro with a simple home made effect in Apple Motion.

Real Estate Video Walkthroughs and Virtual Tours from Collingwood Ontario  (a Youtube Playlist)

Making the Effect
I didn't discover this myself. I actually wanted to do it for so long, yet never knew how to implement it properly.  I was in the FCPX facebook group a video was shared, here it is below. very useful and all you need to know.

That's all for now regarding motion blur, hopefully you found this helpful and maybe you even learned something!


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